Short Form 2

Short Form 1, Long 1, Short 2, and Long 2 are basics forms--they teach basic principles, whereas the 3s and up are techniques forms.

Short Form 2 teaches us advancing motions with front hand blocks and strikes, and also introduces the four corners in addition to the four walls..

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  1. Right foot to 12:00 into right neutral stance; right inward handsword block which cocks back to left ear and then outward handsword to neck as left hand covers.
  2. Left step through 12:00 into left neutral stance; left inward handsword block which cocks back to right ear and then outward handsword to neck as right hand covers.
  3. Left foot pulls back into left cat stance; both hands box at right hip.

Advancing Inward Block with Cover

  1. Never move in without a cover
  2. Do block with cock to get travel for knife hand
  3. Never make a cock a separate move


  1. Left foot to 9:00 into left neutral stance; left vertical outward block and right reverse punch to face.
  2. Right foot pulls over to left into right cat stance; both hands box at left hip.


  1. Right foot to 3:00 into right neutral stance; right vertical outward block and left reverse punch to face.
  2. Left foot pulls over to right into left cat stance; both hands box at right hip.

Outward Block with Punch

  1. All cats point to 12:00 to define other angles
  2. When you cat you cock
  3. Combines the use of torque with back-up mass


  1. Left foot to 6:00 into wide kneel stance; left hand upward blocks as right middle knuckle to face and drop the strike down to the groin.


  1. Right foot "V"-steps into a left foot and out to 12:00 into right wide kneel stance; right hand upward blocks as left middle knuckle to face and drop the strike down to the groin.
  2. Left foot "V"-steps into right foot into feet together position; both hands box at right hip.

Upward Block with Knuckle Rake

  1. Combines the use of torque with marriage of gravity
  2. "V"-step is the reverse of cat stance
  3. When you cat you cock; does not apply on the vertical plane
  4. Use figure "8" pattern on a vertical plane


  1. Left foot to 4:30 into left neutral stance; left downward block as right is chambered.
  2. Right step-through to 4:30 into right neutral stance; right palm strike to face as left covers.
  3. Right foot pulls back into right cat stance; both hands box at left hip.


  1. Right foot to 7:30 into right neutral stance; right downward block as left is chambered.
  2. Left step-through to 7:30 into left neutral stance; left palm stroke to face as right covers.

Downward Block and Step-Through Palm Strike

  1. Separates the power principles of torque and back-up mass
  2. Shows first corner and points to it from cat stance


  1. Pivot clockwise and pull right foot back into right cat stance facing 1:30; left inward block as right is chambered.
  2. Right foot to 1:30 into right neutral stance; right extended outward block.
  3. Left half-fist counter-punch to throat while pivoting into right forward bow stance and back to neutral stance; right extended outward block stays up.


  1. Left foot pulls over to right into left cat stance; right inward block as left is chambered.
  2. Left foot to 10:30 into left neutral stance; left extended outward block.
  3. Right half-fist counter-punch to throat while pivoting into left forward bow stance and back to neutral stance; left extended outward block stays up.


  1. Right foot slides up to 12:00 into horse stance.
When In-Out-Up-Down is Done, Something New Added
  1. First time a covering change of direction is done, other than with the rear leg and upward block
  2. Covering movement is done with an inward block and cat stance
  3. Punch does not chamber back to waist
  4. Extended outward block is the outward block of application
  5. Half-fist is a new weapon
  6. Blocking hand does not return to waist , but becomes first check
  7. Using forward bow stance as a transitional stance
  8. Use figure "8" pattern on a horizontal plane

