Two attackers grab you from close range at both sides. - Step right to 2:30 to pivot off the point of the right attacker's grab and execute a right outward knife hand to the right attacker's throat or collar bone, driving him back.
- Pivot in place with a right finger whip to the left attacker's eye as your left arm checks his grabbing arm.
- Step right to 10:30 with a left outward stiff arm chop to the left attacker's throat.
- As the right attacker recovers and attempts to attack you from behind, execute a left rear cross and untwist with a right inward block to the right attacker's punch with a simultaneous right front kick to his groin.
- Left rear cross and right rear kick to the left attacker.
- Right front cross out and step through in reverse to face both attackers.
- Right spinning hook kick to any available targets.
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