SQUEEZING THE PEACH (rear bear hug, arms pinned) - With your feet together and opponent applying hug, move your left foot back to 5 o'clock (into a neutral bow with your eyes focused straight ahead), simultaneously have your left hand grab and squeeze opponent's testicles as your right hand grabs and checks opponent's arms.
- Immediately step forward with your left foot to 2 o'clock into a left neutral bow and deliver a right rear scoop kick to opponent's groin.
- With your right leg still in the air deliver a right stiff leg stomp to 7 o'clock to buckle or break opponent's left leg from the inside of opponent's left knee with the inner portion of your right knee. Simultaneously deliver a right obscure back elbow (palm down) to opponent's jaw while looking over your right shoulder and as your left hand checks low.
- Right front crossover and cover out to 2 o'clock.