DESTRUCTIVE KNEEL (front step through right punch) - While standing naturally with hands at your sides as opponent punches, step forward left to 11:00 o'clock into a left neutral bow stance as your right outward parry converts into a grab to his right wrist, and as you pivot clockwise into a right close kneel stance, with your left knee, striking to the back of his right knee (to cause a buckle) execute a left inward heel of palm strike to the right elbow of the opponent to cause a break. Allow this strike to pass through and under his arm.
- With opponent now on his right knee, pivot back counterclockwise and as you drop into a left close kneel (your right knee drops to cause a break to his tibia or ankle) execute a left backknuckle (under his arm and through his ribs in an outward fashion) with a right inward heel of palm claw ripping through his face.
- Pivot back into a right close kneel and execute a right outward backknuckle with a left vertical punch to his ribs or spine (at this point your right hand is below your left to act as a check against his right arm or possible kick).
- Now snake your left crane hand around the right side of his neck and pull him into a left knee strike to his spine (your right hand is checking his right arm or shoulder at this point).
- With your left knee still in the air and as you plant your left foot back to 9:00 o'clock into a right neutral bow stance loop your right hand down, around and in to come down diagonally across his jaw with a hammerfist (your left hand has now switched to become a check).
- As opponent falls (toward 11:00 or 12:00 o'clock) execute a right roundhouse kick to his head or any available opening.
- With your right leg still in the air, right front crossover and double cover out to 9:00 o'clock.