Black3 Belt Techniques

FLASHING MACE (Straight right punch)

The attacker throws a straight right punch to your head.

  1. Step forward to a left neutral bow with a right extended outward block and a left inward hammering block to the opponent's arm (hyper-extending his elbow).
  2. Check the arm down with the left hand as you cock your right hand above your right ear, palm-out, in a hammerfist position.
  3. Right front crossover planting with a hammerfist to opponent's face raking through as you begin to untwist.
  4. As you settle into a left neutral bow, deliver a left hammerfist to the right kidney, checking high with the right hand.
  5. Drop to a close kneel with a left waiter's hand check to your opponent's arm and deliver a right upward looping backfist strike under his chin, continuing over your head and crossing out.
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SHIELD AND MACE (Right straight punch)

The attacker steps through with a straight right punch to your face.

  1. Step forward with your left foot into a left forward bow with a right outward block.   Immediately pivot to a left neutral bow with a left straight punch to the ribs.
  2. Drop to a close kneel stance checking the opponent's right leg with your knee as you check his arm with your left hand and deliver a right downward diagonal hammerfist to the right kidney.
  3. Check the opponent down with your left hand as you deliver an upward palm heel claw to his chin, continuing counter-clockwise and down to an outward chop to the back of his right knee, causing him to buckle.
  4. As his weight shifts onto his left leg, check his shoulder with your left hand and deliver a right side thrust kick to the back of his left knee.
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RETREATING PENDULUM (front right rear kick)

  1. While in a right neutral bow, drop back with your right foot into a left front twist stance. Simultaneously deliver a right outside downward block to opponent's kicking leg and check with your left hand by your right shoulder.
  2. Immediately deliver a right knife-edge kick to opponent's left leg, to inner knee.
  3. Plant your right foot forward toward 12 o'clock and have your left hand check high (close to your right armpit).
  4. As your block circles counter clockwise and without losing any motion follow-up with a right overhead downward hammer fist to opponent's neck as you plant your right foot toward 12 o'clock.
  5. Pivot to your left (into a right reverse bow) and deliver a right rear scoop kick to opponent's groin (your right leg is between your opponent's legs at this point). You may have to drag your left foot toward your right foot to assure proper distance for your rear scoop kick.
  6. After planting your right foot back into a right reverse bow right front crossover and cover out twice toward 9 o'clock. (Use the right reverse bow to buckle your opponent's left leg if and whenever possible.)

CALMING THE STORM (front right roundhouse club, stepping right)

  1. Step to 11:00 with your right foot and a left extended outward block to inside of his right wrist and a right vertical fist to his face.
  2. Check his right arm with a right parry as your left vertical fist shoots over your right arm to his solar plexus.
  3. Right back knuckle to his ribs as your left hand checks his right arm.
  4. Grab his right wrist with your left hand and deliver a right outward strike to back of his right elbow.
  5. Right foot back to 6:00. Right back knuckle his right ribs and continue to circle to strike to back of his right ribs.
  6. Shift your left foot to 4:00 as you push down on his right armpit with your right hammer fist and pull his right arm from 11:00 to 5:00.
  7. Go into a left rear twist as you force him to ground. Right back knuckle down and to back of his left rib cage.
  8. Have your left foot step toward 6:00 and drop your right knee to back of his left elbow.
  9. Twist clockwise into a right front twist stance. Upon doing so have the heel of your right foot come down to the right side of his face.
  10. Drop your left knee to back of his neck.
  11. Bounce up and to the side into a right one-legged stance.
  12. Right front crossover and cover out twice.

SECURING THE STORM (Right roundhouse club)

The attacker attempts to hit you with a right roundhouse club to the head.

  1. Left foot to 12:00 in a left forward bow stance with a left extended outward block to the wrist and a right side fist to the head.
  2. Right foot to 8:00 into a horse stance with a left uppercut strike to the elbow covering with the right.
  3. Move left foot to 12:00 and bring your right foot through to your left, feet together.
  4. Right foot sweeps behind opponent's right leg and kicks outward to 6:00 into a left forward bow as you strike up under the chin with a right palm heel, knocking the opponent to the ground.
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BRUSHING THE STORM (flank right overhead club)

  1. With feet together and opponent attacking from your right side, step forward and to your right with your right foot to 2 o'clock (opponent is attacking from 2 o'clock while you are facing 12 o'clock). Simultaneously deliver a left inward parry outside of opponent's right arm while striking to opponent's jaw with a right heel of palm thrust which will end up striking under and inside of opponent's right arm.
  2. Step forward with your left foot (left close kneel stance) to 2 o'clock as you strike to opponent's solar plexus with your right elbow (striking vertically and down) and continue checking opponent's right arm with your left hand.
  3. Pivot clockwise to your right (into a left neutral bow) facing 4 o'clock as you strike to opponent's groin with a right heel of palm (hooking your right arm toward you). Simultaneously continue to apply your left hand check to opponent's shoulder blade.
  4. Drop your right foot back toward 10 o'clock into a left neutral bow as your right hand pulls opponent's right leg (sliding your hand to his right knee cap and to levels below that point) toward you as your left hand pushes forward at opponent's right shoulder blade or right hip.
  5. While holding opponent's right leg with your right hand, deliver a left instep kick to opponent's groin.
  6. Plant your left foot and deliver a right knife-edge kick to back of opponent's left knee thus buckling him to the ground.
  7. Right front crossover and over out twice toward 10 o'clock.
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REPEATING MACE (front left hand push)

  1. Left foot to five o'clock with left open hand outward block and right inward raking hammer fist to opponent's left kidney.
  2. Right back knuckle to opponent's rib cage.
  3. Right downward roundhouse kick to back of the left knee.

OBSCURE CLAW (Left hand rear shoulder grab to right shoulder, pulling back)

The attacker grabs your right shoulder from behind and pulls you back.

  1. Step back with your right foot into a left neutral stance with both hands performing outward claws to the face as your left hand becomes a pin on the opponent's hand.
  2. Step forward into a right forward bow as your right arm continues to circle into an uppercut to the elbow.
  3. Step to 12:00 with your left foot as you pivot into a neutral bow and deliver a right inverted back-knuckle to the head while simultaneously delivering a palm strike to the solar plexus, ending in a right forward bow facing 4:30.

  4. Pivot counter-clockwise into a right neutral bow with a right middle knuckle strike to the throat.
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ROTATING DESTRUCTION (right front snap kick and left spinning rear kick combination)

Your opponent front-kicks you and then rear kicks you when you spin him with your block of his first kick.

  1. While in a right neutral bow (with your left hand cocked high near your sternum and your right hand hanging low near your right leg) and as your opponent delivers a right front snap kick, execute a right inside downward block palm down (shuffling back if you have to) and continue to loop the right arm downward and outward into a extended outward block thus forcing your opponent clockwise and over so that his back faces toward you.
  2. As opponent does a left spinning back kick (toward 6 o'clock) strike down to opponent's right leg with a right chopping downward diagonal block as your right foot drops back into a right rear twist stance.
  3. Pivot clockwise and deliver a left roundhouse kick to opponent's head.
  4. Plant your left foot (adjusting it accordingly) and deliver a right spinning hooking heel kick to opponent's solar plexus.
  5. Right front crossover and cover out toward 6 o'clock without first planting the right foot.
  6. Return with a right hopping side kick to any available opening (kicking toward 12 o'clock).
  7. Right front crossover and cover out twice toward 6 o'clock.
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  1. With opponent applying full Nelson, have your right foot drop to your right (toward 3 o'clock) into a horse stance and immediately shift into a left close cat as your left foot cats behind and back of opponent's legs toward 8 o'clock as both of your arms grab the back of opponent's knees.
  2. Lift opponent's legs off the ground.
  3. Spin counter clockwise and smash opponent against a wall, pole, etc. If opponent is too big and heavy just drop opponent on his back with the possibility of having opponent's head smash down on to the concrete, ground, etc.

LEAP FROM DANGER (rear two-hand push)

  1. As opponent pushes you from the rear, take a forward roll on your right shoulder toward 12 o'clock and leap up facing opponent at 6 o'clock while shuffling back into a left neutral bow fighting stance.
  2. As your opponent proceeds to attack you, leap to your left to 4 o'clock and with your left foot and deliver a right roundhouse kick to opponent's solar plexus. Plant you right foot toward 8 o'clock.
  3. Pivot counter clockwise and deliver a straight left back kick to opponent's right ribs (kicking toward 8 o'clock).
  4. Left front crossover and cover out twice toward 2 o'clock.

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ENCOUNTER WITH DANGER (front two-hand push)

  1. With feet together, opponent pushes and forces you to the ground onto your back toward 6 o'clock.
  2. While on your back and as your opponent proceeds to pounce on you, deliver a left, vertical knife-edge kick to opponent's groin toward 12 o'clock. Immediately follow-up with a right knife-edge kick (as you flip your body to your left) to opponent's jaw.
  3. Plant your right foot to your left as you turn onto your stomach facing 6 o'clock.
  4. Bring your arms under your body and push yourself back as you deliver a left back thrust kick while you're on your right knee; pushing yourself into the action.
  5. While on your right knee, left front crossover and cover out twice toward 6 o'clock.

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GLANCING SPEAR (Right grab to left wrist)

The attacker grabs your left wrist with his right hand.

  1. Step back right to 6:00 as your right hand pins under your left hand trapping the attacker's hand.
  2. Pivot to a neutral bow with a left outward elbow to the attacker's ribs.
  3. Right heel palm to forearm glancing into a finger spear to eye.
  4. Left front crossover sweep planting toward 4:00.
  5. Untwist and deliver a right stiff leg sweep to the same leg taking opponent down as your plant toward 6:00.
  6. Right roundhouse kick to any available target.
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CIRCLING DESTRUCTION (Front step-through left punch)

The attacker throws a left punch while stepping through.

  1. With feet together or while in a right neutral bow, move your right foot to 1 o'clock as you deliver a right inward and left outward hooking parry (palm up) to outside of opponent's activated left punch. In the same motion, deliver a right back knuckle strike to left ribcage of opponent.
  2. Shift your left foot to 4 o'clock (into a right modified neutral bow) as your left hand heel palm and claws inward to opponent's face immediately followed by a right chop to right neck of opponent.
  3. Deliver a right front scoop kick to opponent's groin simultaneous with a left outward heel of palm thrust to opponent's back.
  4. Plant your right foot in back of you (toward 4 
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GATHERING OF THE SNAKES (front left punch and rear right punch)

  1. Standing in a right neutral bow as first opponent (who is at 12 o'clock) delivers a left punch from the front, step forward and to your right (with your right foot) to 1 o'clock while executing a right inward-left outward block combination outside of opponent's left punch. Without loss of (circular) motion transform your right inward block into a right back knuckle strike to left ribs of first opponent (front opponent).
  2. Slide your left foot counter clockwise to 2 o'clock checking opponent's arm with your left as it simultaneously claws and deliver a right overhead chop to back of opponent's neck.
  3. Immediately cock your right foot to inside of your left knee (right one legged stance) and deliver a right side kick to back of first opponent's left knee. Have both of your hands and arms guarding wherever needed.
  4. With opponent beginning to buckle, plant your right foot into a right neutral bow toward 6 o'clock and execute a two-hand push to first opponent's back and shove first opponent into second opponent toward 6 o'clock.
  5. With second opponent (rear opponent) occupied, shift your right foot to your left into a right front twist stance and deliver a left roundhouse kick to head of second opponent as your left hand cocks horizontally to your right hip.
  6. Plant your left foot forward (into a left neutral bow toward 6 o'clock) while delivering a left horizontal back knuckle strike to head of second opponent.
  7. Right front crossover (into a right front twist stance) guarding and pushing down on second opponent's right arm with your left hand toward 6 o'clock while delivering a right back knuckle strike to head of first opponent toward 12 o'clock. Immediately pivot counter clockwise with a looping stiff-arm back knuckle strike to head of second opponent still at 6 o'clock.
  8. Follow-up with a left spinning back kick to solar plexus of second opponent at 6 o'clock.
  9. Shoot your left foot to 12 o'clock (toward first opponent) as you deliver a low left snapping ball kick under jaw of first opponent.
  10. Left front crossover and cover out twice, positioning yourself so that you end up midway between opponent's (covering out toward 3 o'clock).
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