There are numerous programs today that deal with physical fitness and health, as well as many psychological techniques that can help us stay mentally fit. In addition, both armchair and professional philosophers abound and can give us an array of ideas to contemplate.
Here we combine the three elements of physical fitness, psychology, and philosophy into one system called the Way of Three. It is a system based in part on Monk Yoga. The Way of Three can guide us to live our lives strengthened against physical and mental imbalance, and make us aware of the importance of living a life with reduced stress.
The information contained herein is mostly an outlined version of the Way of Three, with important aspects of the training highlighted. Here I have stressed concepts rather than details, while at the same time encouraging the reader to translate these concepts in a personally relevant way. It was not my intention to always explain
"how to" accomplish something, but to present a "what to do" approach. Let us say
that I want to show the paths and not the destinations. Each person will seek his or her own destination. I only ask the reader to think about these ideas and how they might apply personally. There is ample information contained herein to enable a person to develop a well-rounded routine for self- improvement.
Dennis Nackord